Saturday, October 31, 2015

Women of the Year

Here is proof that men can do it better than women as Caitlyn Jenner is named as one of Glamour Magazines women of the year.

Only celebrity’s not ordinary people can make the list as the everyday women can’t be glamorous. What a load of crap.  

The majority of women celebs need to eat pies or have their asses sucked of all that fat. Then there is all that plastic surgery they require to maintain the mutton dressed up as lamb with make up that has been put on with a trowel.

Caitlyn Jenner should receive praise for bringing transgender issues to the front page however woman of the year is a step too far.

Author Steve Boddey

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No More National Anthems in Schools

I have just read an article in The Daily Telegraph concerning school children given the opportunity to walk out of the assembly when the national anthem is played.
As the article suggests where does their allegiance lie?
Singing the national anthem or standing there in respect would be more appropriate.

So where does it stop, this endless demand for special treatment by groups who hold themselves exempt from western culture and tradition. Where is the respect for western culture and tradition that took these people in?

Let us all just man up and put a stop to the political correctness of ass kissing.

Author Steve Boddey

Illegal Aliens and Banning Festivals

Ok it is bug up my ass time!

Read Observations to get more information.

Two issues, some twat wants the words “illegal aliens” changed to “undocumented foreign nationals as it is deemed offensive to the people it is suppose to identify with.

Next; schools are starting to implement bans on certain traditions that western countries celebrate because some students at said schools can not or will not participate in these traditions.

Why are schools not teaching tolerance of these traditions/festivals rather than hiding behind a band aid solution.

It is time the majority stopped the minority from stripping western countries of our culture.

So bans will now apply to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, Diwali and Pasifika more bans will be implemented so that all parties have an equal amount of banned traditions or festivals if we don't put a stop to it!

Author Steve Boddey

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Losing People

She came to him,
On a winters morn,
Searching for the grail,
Spoke about,
All kinds of things,
The wind was at her sail.

They shared a moment,
As the night,
Soon became the dawn,
She told him that she loved him,
Yet he knew,
She was wrong.

Over the mountains,
He must go,
Where it will end,
He’ll never know,
Searching and seeking,
Till he finds,
Somewhere safe,
Peace of mind.

He knew,
It would cost him dear,
To express his feelings so,
She shunned him,
Like he had leprosy,
On his journey he must go.
In his eyes,
There were tears of rage,
Just some kind of story,
And now,
She just turns the page.

Trapped within,
His prison cell,
He thinks about what is done,
Gave her all his love,
Left him no freedom.


Over the mountains,
He must go,
Where it will end,
He’ll never know,
Searching and seeking,
Till he finds,
Somewhere safe,
Peace of mind.

She cries at night,
Her heart it aches,
For his love and some,
Promises never kept,
In his head she’s never gone.

As he walks,
His shoulders sway,
She remembers he said,
He’ll be back,
Back one day.

Author Steve Boddey

I was a Security Guard

"Excuse me Sir, It's time to leave"
"Eh bro , ya don't mean I gotta leave eh?"
" Yes sir, it's time for you to head off home."
"Geez, I still got me drink here eh."
"Sir, you holding an empty glass, and it is closing time."
"Would you like me to call you a Taxi?"
"Eh bro, you call me whatever ya like"

He laughs, falling backwards but not falling over.
"Come on now Sir we must get moving."

The mood changes.
I stand side on, my arms just in front of me.
Hands open and the distance between us is about a metre.
While talking, my voice remains constantly pleasant, yet firm tone.

"Eh You."
"Ya f******g picking on me eh?"
"Ya F*****g being a Bastard"

He spits on my shirt, he drunkenly pushes at me but because of the distance misses.
I try not to smile, just keep a pleasant manner on my face.
" Youse just F*****g picking on me cos I am BLACK Eh?"
I have no idea where the thought or the idea came from, it just came out of nowwhere.

So I said.
"And your just saying that because I am white eh?"
"Now come on sir, we must close up"
With that he moved on out.
"Eh for a F*****g security guard you ain't too bad eh!"
"Youse a funny F****r eh."
"Thank you for coming sir and please get home safely."

As he staggers off with his mates I hear him say.
"Eh that guy isn't to bad for a F*****g security what's ya ma call em, eh."

I close the door and lock it.
Wipe the slag and spit from my white shirt.
Look at my trousers stained with every alcoholic substance known.
I look around the bar and start picking up glasses from tables.

I reminisce.
"Your just saying that because I am white!"
I wonder if I'll get away with that line on another night.
I smile, Tonight I go home in one piece.

Who knows?

Author Steve Boddey

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Taxing the Poor to Cut Obesity in New Zealand

The New Zealand Government is to spend money on a plan to tackle obesity in this country.
Yes they will spend money, taxpayer’s money on a plan to tackle obesity. The plan may or may not work but at least it will be a plan.

It has been suggested that they tax fizzy drinks because of the sugar content.

I really am starting to wonder how this government actually got into power being that they come up with nonsensical ideas. A sugar tax won’t work!

Quiet simply if we ask why people purchase fizzy drinks etc there is a simple answer. The cost of healthier options is greater than the unhealthy option. Most obese people are low income earners and of course will look to buy cheap food and drinks.

These politicians are so wrapped up in their own little world they have forgotten what the real world is about. You just need to look at the price of fizzy drinks and fish n chips and compare that to a salad roll and a bottle of water.

Putting tax on fizzy drinks and fish and chips without reducing tax on healthier options or producing a healthier option just doesn’t make sense and would only create a greater rift in an already poverty ridden community.

Author Steve Boddey  

The World We Live In

I query the way that our world goes a round,
Nobody’s pleasant; we’re all lost and not found.
We’re murdering of people for some rotten sod,
But it is ok; they’re doing it for God!
There are lies and betrayal all over the place,
Standing there innocently; with a smile on the face.
Run a red light with not a care in the world,
Yet the car that they cut off has now a motherless girl.
We are leaving our dogs and kids in the car,
In the searing heat of a summer, it has gone way too far.
Then there’s the druggies spreading their wares,
Nothing will happen and who really cares?
We have thefts in our homes and all sorts of strife,
Raping of innocents; it’s a wonderful life.
So I live in this world and keep to myself,
The company I keep sits in the wine shelf.
Yet I do the good deeds where ever I can,
Assisting where possible; my fellow man.
What good do my efforts; what will they bring?
A smile or a thank you or maybe nothing!
So I query our world and all that we’ve done,
I’ll keep doing my bit, I’m a passionate one.

Author Steve Boddey

Kids Today

The one thing I do is appreciate that I am an old school kind of guy and I always grateful for all that I have and all that I have been through both good and bad because everything has been one of life’s lessons.

This leads me to the generation we have today. What went wrong?
Listen I am not that old your music really does suck! Some of it’s rehashed from mine. As for the rap scene what has my mother and what you want to do with her got to do in a song?

Your flashy boxer shorts with the brown skid marks is not a pretty sight and the fact you can not put a baseball cap on properly speaks volumes for your inability to realise the after time in the sun the letter Dee will be forever imprinted on your forehead. It is a symbolic sign that you are a dunce, a donkey or a dork.

Author Steve Boddey

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Continuous Improvements in Business

One of the frustrating things for me is working for companies that have a limit prospective and claim to be progressive yet are totally in denial of being stagnate.

How many time do we here senior management promoting incentive schemes? Offering bonuses, career opportunities, and then finding out that the targets are unrealistic or unattainable. Senior management comes up with the idea; middle management puts the onus on the shop floor personnel, shop floor personnel have to make it happen and cop the brunt if it doesn’t work.

Too often employees come up with ideas and proposals that ignite passion and enthusiasm but find rejection of their ideas, usually by management, blaming cost or that the idea will disrupt the running of the business.

When I listen to the management talk, all one can hear is the negativity oozing out. The excuses for not doing something rather than giving reasons as to why one should do it, flow like torrential rain.

Most businesses have too much stock or have the wrong kind of stock, a lot of it stored with gay abandon through out the storage area (that is if there is a storage area).

The 3 principles of any business:-

1) Cleanliness
2) Ordliness
3) Tidiness

Put simply, a place for everything and everything in its place. Keep everything clean and tidy. Put things where they are suppose to be and don’t over load shelves/areas with stock. Of course there are many other things like training and environment etc but let’s keep it simple.
Face problems for what they are; challenges that need to be tackled head on. Fix the problem not the blame. Do not place blame on someone who was not trained or was inadequately prepared to tackle the task. Look at what the problem was and putting in place countermeasures to prevent it happening again.

One major problem with mangers today is they fear losing control and are afraid that should someone from the shop floor show any type of intelligence they will lose their jobs.
CEO’s and Managing Directors seem to think employees thoughts are centred around the almighty dollar and that by offering a certain amount of cash as an incentive will bring employees into line. While money is important, the environment in which they work, how they are treated are more important. Take away an employee’s dignity and you create a workplace that has neither heart nor soul.

The workplace is and should be constantly changing, looking for continuous improvement not sitting in a stagnate mindset just because “That’s the way we always do it!”

Written by Steve Boddey

My Mothers Fruit Cake - Poetry

I followed it to the letter,
All the contents placed in line,
One by one I entered them,
The mixing took time.

I set the oven to 180,
As my mother had said,
The time passed so quickly,
My cakes looked flat and dead.

It ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it,
Came mother's voice from above,
Start again my darling,
Start this time and make it with love

Author Steve Boddey

Poetry - A New Day

Picture source Sandy Hollaway

The sun sets so slowly when darkness is nigh,
Loneliness is company right now, the rain helps one cry.
The waves keep on rolling and crash on the shore,
Nothing lay ahead not a window nor door.
Tonight this heart is bleeding,
This soul so full of feeling,
The promise of dawn a waits.

Author Steve Boddey

Best wife in the world

 “Always be YOURSELF and don’t stop living YOUR life.”
You need to be the best person you can be before you can be and do the best for someone else. The title should read, “How to be the best wife/husband in the world”

In any relationship there needs to be respect for the other party especially for those that choose marriage. When one person in any form of relationship is treated with disrespect, cracks will appear and those cracks will either fester or split wide open.

Being a good/best wife/husband doesn’t mean you have to have the culinary skills of a Gordon Ramsey or Jamie Oliver or the cleaning skills of The Hilton Hotels cleaning staff nor does it require the intimate knowledge and understanding of the Karma Sutra, it is purely and simply about caring and sharing everything but also having time and space for oneself.

When people get together there is a special chemistry and as time goes by that magical time appears to evaporate. This happens when the caring, sharing and communication stops or has a lapse hence, we often hear people saying that you have to work at a relationship.

Each individual is different, each of us have different needs, desires and dreams it is when these needs are required to change that we lose track of who we are and become someone we are not. We lose interest in the relationship because of these changes and we get frustrated with being in a position where we feel trapped. If being you is all about being a top notch cook, cleaner or both it is ok because it is who you are and what you want to be.

Being you, also involves encouraging your partner to do the same by empowering them to be themselves. Inspire them to be their own person free from constraints of preconceived perceptions that one has to change to be accepted by another. Provide opportunities to work and play together. Get involved with their interests if they ask you to join in. Be reciprocal with your activities asking them to share what makes you happy. Share your thoughts and dreams and invite them to share theirs, you may be surprised to find there are similarities that you both have.

Keep the communication channels open, listen to what is being communicated and address whatever needs to be addressed. Love being the person you are and love your partner for who he or she is.

The best wife/husband is the one who can say  “I am free to be me!”

Author Steve Boddey

Friday, October 23, 2015

Sugar Tax - You can't have a stick without a carrot.

There is a push here in New Zealand to place a sugar tax on soft drinks in an effort to curb childhood obesity along with general obesity.

Are these people off their medication?
If you are to implement a sugar tax on fizzy drinks you need to encourage a healthy alternative.

You can’t just put a tax on sugar you have to look at the bigger picture. A tax like this does nothing but give the government more money to waste.

If you tax soft drinks why not remove the tax from fruit and vegetables. It is no use having a stick without a carrot. It should be noted removing the tax on fruit and vegetables was put to the government but it was placed in the too hard basket.

The New Zealand Countdown Supermarket chain is at least making an effort by offering free fruit for kids to eat while you shop. They should be commended for offering something and leading the way.

Alas governments will always put a tax on something rather than address the problem in the correct manner.

Author Steve Boddey

Thursday, October 22, 2015



In my head I paint a picture
Of what I see in you,
Watch you grow from childhood.
Watched everything you do.
In my head I paint a picture,
I see it in my mind
I have to paint the pictures,
From birth I have been blind.

Borrow Not

Neither a borrower nor a lender be
Old Willy wrote this, for you and me.
I wonder what he was on about,
A drunken friend who forgot their shout?

Maybe he borrowed and didn't go back?
Lent out some quills from his raggedy sack?
Maybe he wrote it, to fill up some space,
To be or not to be, is a fall from grace.

Alas poor Hamlet I shall now leave thee be,
He borrowed from you
So he can lend to me!

Written by Steve Boddey

Religion of Man Not God

I grew up as a Roman Catholic and at some stage our old man decided we would become Morons, I mean Mormons, before switching back to the Catholic faith. The old man was a fanatically religious person who would always try to enforce his thoughts and beliefs on to anyone who would listen. He would often quote scriptures that would completely back up whatever he did or said, therefore justifying any actions he would undertake whether they are right or wrong.

It appears the tradition continues.

I think religion and religious groups are vastly over rated.
The poor or disadvantaged people in almost every religious group always pay the biggest price yet they are the most generous and sincere. They are also the most manipulated and easiest to abuse when it comes to any religion. Their present situation blamed on the sins of the past or what others deem to be their lack of faith.

To suggest that anyone must suffer to prove their love or faith in a being that can not be seen is questionable. It is even more outrageous to think that this so called loving and caring being would even consider that sort of behaviour acceptable.

Love thy neighbour, etc can be countered by various other phrases from any scriptures, from any religious group. 

Every religious group has its own demons. I have yet to find one that doesn't.

It is the people who claim to be God fearing that will go about passing judgements on other people’s actions or throwing a hissy fit over things that in the bigger scheme of things do not matter. It is all about scoring brownie points, but to be honest I think that God, (if there is one) just can't be bothered anymore.

We all should be accepting the differences of others. We do not have to agree, just be accepting that others have different views and are entitled to them.

We don't have to beat/chastise /behead/crucify/stone/burn at the stake/impale anyone.

(Note that religious people always find the most heinous ways of dealing with those that do not agree with what they think!) 
So much for forgiveness! Who are the deviants really?

I don't think I have lost faith in God; I have lost faith in mankind and its religion.

Author Steve Boddey

Supermarket Laughter

I have a sense of humour that sometimes defies logic. I find fun in every day living and there are humorous events happening every where, even in the supermarket.

Why women who go shopping in leggings that are ten sizes too small with those lycra tops in florescent colours like lime, yellow and orange and also are way to small to hold those enormous bosoms that appear to have seen better days.

These women can be seen leaning on the handle of the trolley as if they need to be held up waddling the aisle ways avoiding at every opportunity any thing healthy.

From behind it looks like two elephants fighting in a sack and when they actually stand up correctly the layers of fat appearing from the undersized clothing reminds me of a Sara Lee cake with layer upon layer.

Inside the trolley can be found packets of potato crisps, frozen pizzas, a pig head resting on top of six two litre bottles of a variety of sodas and then the pierce de la resistance is a slab of diet coke zero.

The woman is over heard talking to a friend saying that she has a medical problem that causes her weight issues. Me thinks that the top hole is bigger that the bottom hole.

Although I do find these people funny, there are people out there that are genuinely putting in a concerted effort to lose weight (me included) and those are the ones I urge to continue their efforts.

Author Steve Boddey

Are You An Offended Racist

Two phrases that people use that really get up my goat are “I’m offended and you’re a racist.”

Neither phrase makes any sense. I’m offended, so what, be offended, nothing is going to happen. You’re not going to lose any body parts.

“Oh Steve Boddey poked fun at the Lord and I was offended and in the morning my arms fell off.” No they didn’t, nothing happened and nothing is going to happen unless you let it!

You are just an attention seeking twat that has got nothing better to do. I’m offended oh please. To be offended you must take on the offense of what is said or done. Did what was said or done deliberately meant to offend? How do you know? You can’t just assume that it was deliberate but if you do technically you are offending yourself because you’re the one making a big deal about it! Move on, ignore it!

You’re a racist, no I’m not, a racist is someone who believes their race is superior to another. To call someone names is disrespectful not racist. Of course the attention seekers once more raise the wrath of stupidity by insisting this and that is racist.

A real racist is the KKK and they openly admit they are superior. Al Qaeda and ISIS are religious racists they think Islam is the only religion to have and are hell bent on making sure that it is.

So the next time something offends you take a deep breath walk away and mumble something about stupidity

Author Steve Boddey

I Love My Wife

It has taken me over fifty years and two broken marriages to find the woman I have dreamed of since I was young. All I ever wanted in a relationship was someone to love me for the person I am warts and all.

Although I am happy now, the two broken marriages are a constant reminder of where I never want to go again. I made mistakes and took blame that was mine to take and I have no regrets. I had to go through the rough to get to the smooth and it has been an epic journey.

When I was young I had dreams of being the best that I could be, I failed many times yet I still believed and that is what got me to where I am today so to my wife Karen Boddey I love you more than ever and will continue to do so till the end of time.

Author Steve Boddey

Islamophobia Offensive

Why is Islamophobia being described as being offensive?  Is it even a word?
Having a fear or a concern about a religious group doesn’t seem unreasonable, especially with all that is going on in the world.

The fact that the only ones complaining about what is happening, are those that are being persecuted by Muslim terrorists, says a lot about why Islamophobia is not an offensive word; it is a correct word to be used by those that are at risk of attacked by these fanatics.

The Muslim community needs to stop hiding behind closed doors whilst complaining of racism and ill treatment. They need to stand up with the rest of the human community and fight those that are taking Islam and turning it into a legion of hatred for anyone that doesn’t toe the Islamic line.

First we had the Spanish Inquisition now we have the Islamic one.

Author Steve Boddey

I Spy on your Computer

With all the technology in the world today, being able to check up/spy on someone is a lot easier to do.

Both Karen and I have been victims of this kind of behaviour. I say victims for one simple reason and that is the intent. The intent was to catch us out in whatever the perpetrators mind thought was going on.

When I first met Karen I found myself wanting more and more to be around her even if it was five thousand miles distance between us. She made me feel happy; making me laugh and our humour was similar.

For my part the computer was an open book as I always felt I had nothing to hide that was until I was accused of things that I had typed. The questions then came thick and fast, I found myself continually having to defend my actions which only added to the problem.

If you have nothing to hide you have no need to defend yourself!
What a crock of droppings!

It was from that point on that I started to close things down yet the accusations continued. If I received a text I was expected to read it and share it. My whole life became stifled so I left.

Now my wife and our computers are open books, I have no fear of being accused of doing anything other than being me. We have a standard joke where I pretend to be reading her emails or looking over her shoulder. It is all in good fun, but the question remains, is it a form of abuse?

My belief is it is all about the intent. Why is a partner checking up on you? If you feel uncomfortable with this sort of behaviour then put a stop to it!
I know what is like to have whatever you do scrutinised to the 12th degree, having all that was written, all that you say twisted and turned against you. Even worse still those that you hold dear are no longer around due to the poison that they have been fed.

I see no reason to be checking up/spying on some ones personal life. If there is a lack of trust then it is time to move on before it is too late.

Author Steve Boddey

Dealing with Anxiety

Everybody suffers from anxiety; however there are those of us who deal with it not quite as well as other people.

When I get anxious I have varying symptoms, these include profuse sweating, difficulty in breathing, feeling light headed, wanting to throw up, tiredness, and of course wanting to find a safe place to be.

I have no idea where it all started although I have tried to find out. By the time I realise I am anxious I have reached the point of no return, so taking deep breaths etc is not an option.

I have sort medical advice and I am on medication. I can’t work because of it but I am working on the basics of restoring my life to some sort of normality. Thank goodness I have a wonderful, understanding wife who also suffers anxiety which actually is a blessing as we both know what each of us is going through.

Many people think anxiety is a sign of weakness and you should get over it. Unfortunately it is not a sign of weakness it is a sign of being strong for too long and NO you don’t just get over it like turning a page in a book.

People have anxiety problems for many different reasons and not all are easily treated. Making sure that any person who suffers anxiety has support is what is important; following a program that suits you in the battle against anxiety.  The road can be a long one as I have found but it can be a short one. You just have keep plugging away.

Author Steve Boddey

Laughter is the best Medicine

I have no idea where it comes from but I have a knack for being a humorous type of person, seeing things in a different light, from another perspective or in most cases from another planet.

The can of fly spray for example, I sprayed the whole can and not one single fly came out! Don’t ask me how I went with the hair spray!

As we majestically make our way through a supermarket there are all sorts of things to ponder especially when it comes to oils. There is olive oil from olives, whale oil from whales, goanna oil from goannas however what about baby oil?

Why do women wear those tight short dresses and then spend half their time pulling them down?

What is with all these healthy food items with the heart foundation big read tick but the sugar content is astronomical?

Then there are those dog food commercials insisting that the food tastes absolutely delicious. How do they know? Have the eaten the stuff? The first thing a dog does after its eaten is lick its butt to get the taste out of its mouth.

Getting into a cab and tell the driver you want to go to Waterloo and the driver asks if you want the station.
You can always tell them you’re a bit late for the battle.

Author Steve Boddey 

Donkeys in Oxford University

I want to know who is breeding these people and I want to know NOW so I can go put a stop to it!

For those who can’t be bothered checking out the link, putting things in layman’s terms Oxfords University students want a statue of Cecil Rhodes taken down because they believe it to be a symbol of racism and colonialism.

Taking down the statue is only trying to hide the truth. Oxford University has produced many great people. Next they will want to have the death camps destroyed, the dome in Hiroshima removed and the Statue of Liberty returned to France.

Good god we have some very stupid thinking people in this world!
It is about what was back then not what is right now!

Author Steve Boddey 

The Real Klu Klux Klan

The Klu Klux Klan or KKK for short makes no sense at all. Even in America Clan is spelt with a C so they should be called the KKC not the KKK. Obviously spelling is not one of their major highlights. Nor is their interpretation of a Wizard or Grand Wizard.

The Grand Wizard?
What a joke, he didn’t do one single magic trick, just a lot of talking and waving around in a white sheet. What is all that about?

Oh and the Klu Klux Klan actually is derived from the Greek word kuklos meaning circle of brothers which is very ironic as brothers is the very people they are suppose to hate and even more disturbing is the Greek circle of brothers were doing things with one another, very loving very caring things and the sheets were a lot higher up.

So the next time you hear about the KKC you can know in your heart they are really not quite right!

Author Steve Boddey 

Origins of Anxiety

I wonder about anxiety and where it comes from as I suffer from it in copious amounts.

I wasn’t born with it, well I don’t think I was, so I had to have an experience that triggered it off and as time and various events took place, it continued to manifest its self and become what it is today.

I am hoping my next lot of therapy can look for the origins of my anxiety so I can understand it better and deal with it from the core source rather than the mask that it now portrays.

So many times the mind/brain will give out messages sending one in to a flight/fight mode, simply because it believes you are in a perilous situation. Like a good mother it is a protective measure which has over exaggerated events that happen in life.

I am looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead; however this time, they will be dealt with in baby steps.

Author Steve Boddey 

Customer Service at Harvey Norman

What really rattles my cage is companies that claim to be all caring, all customer orientated but underneath really don’t give a monkeys bum about you.

Over here in New Zealand we have a company called Harvey Norman and they have been advertising some lovely deals and selling the image of being all loving and caring about customers.

Well they stuffed up big time! I went into the local store and inquired about a universal remote control. In the TV area where I would have thought such an item would be I was sent over to the computer section and from there back to the TV section where I was told they don’t sell them.

Fortunately I had taken my medicine so I remained relatively calm and as I walked out of the store I noticed remote control holders. Why sell holders but not remotes?

Stuff em! I went home.

On their web site I found the exact thing I was looking for and decided to email feedback on my experience. I did so with grace and aplomb. They would get back to me within 48 hours so they said.

I wonder if they meant 48 days or maybe years.

I have had no reply in weeks and don’t expect one now.


Author Steve Boddey 

New Zealands Revolution is Coming

They say one should never discuss religion nor politics as it leads to all kinds of misunderstandings and ultimately no consensus just merely upset campers.

There is though one thing we can all agree on, especially the normal people, the working class people, the poor people and that is governments all over the world have all lost sense of reality and live in a bubble.

How can governments continually make cuts to the lower classes benefits of all kinds, cruelly change retirement age simply (so they say) due to lack of funds or so called need for cutbacks to save the country money yet find no problem with taking a 10% plus pay rise for themselves and find millions of dollars that they took from policing, education and health funding so some DONKEY can change a flag and look after a couple of pandas.

There will come a time when the people will say enough is enough and I hope I am around to be part of it.

I wonder who will be first up against the wall when the revolution comes?

Author Steve Boddey

Thoughts of an Anxious Mind

It has been over a year since I last worked and my anxiety levels have reduced slightly. All I can say is that it is a long road to recovery.

The warmer weather will now entice one to venture outdoors and get the blood flowing with exercise although indoors there are still ways to get the blood pumping.

The panic is still there in full flight when I think about returning to work. Expecting the same things to happen again and again in a consistent thought that travels around and around in my head. Trying to think of a job where I can be myself and feel comfortable is challenging.

The weekend is nearly here; time to loose myself in the love of my wife leaving the outside world to itself until Monday greets us once more.

Author Steve Boddey

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Australian Football and The Adelaide Crows

My favourite sport is Australian Rules football. It has a combination of everything with no padding required.

The club I support is the mighty Adelaide Crows and they are from the South Australia. Our across town rivals are Port Adelaide Power, they are also our arch enemy.

Other sides that play in the competition:-
From Western Australia the Fremantle Dockers and the West Coast Eagles.
From Queensland the Brisbane lions and the Gold Coast Suns.
From New South Wales the Sydney Swans and the Greater Western Sydney.
From Victoria there are Geelong Cats, Hawthorn (Hawks) Carlton (Blues) Richmond (Tigers) Melbourne (Demons) Western Bulldogs, Essendon Bombers Collingwood (Magpies) North Melbourne (Kangaroos or just Roos) and finally Saint Kilda (Saints).

If you have any questions about the game I will be more than happy to answer if I can. I am hoping to do a weekly up date during the football season.

For those not familiar with the game here are the highlights of a game Adelaide Crows verse Carlton Blues. Enjoy.

Author Steve Boddey

JFK Racism and Being Offended

Those of you that have followed me here at Blogger and other places will be well aware of my thoughts on racism and people who choose to be offended.

Both are the most annoying things on the planet, however, as JFK would have put it, in a speech he was going to deliver at the Dallas Trade-Mart but unfortunately never got the chance.

“There will always be dissident voices heard in the land, expressing opposition without alternatives, finding faults but never favour, perceiving gloom on every side and seeking influence without responsibility. Those voices are inevitable.”

This in its sheer simplicity sums up those who choose to be offended or chant racist at the drop of a hat.
They are the attention seekers who will stir up the masses with no intention of solving the problem.

Author Steve Boddey

I Have Another Dream

I have a dream, that one day all people from all nations will come out to vote for independents and give these major parties the bloody fright of their lives.

We have seen it time and time again; those that stay in power for too long lose the reality of what the world is like. They become oblivious to what is right or wrong; believing only in their own self worth.

The New Zealand Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith’s reaction to another death in a state/council house was unacceptable.
Nick Smith claimed: "People dying in winter of pneumonia and other illnesses are not new." 
Yet people die on the roads every year and the government spends millions on road safety.

This is the second death in a State/Council house this winter. The coroner stated that the first death there was a link between the cold living conditions in the home to death from pneumonia like symptoms.

New Zealand Housing has a duty of care like any other landlord to provide a safe environment for people to live in.

Maybe Dr Smith thinks there are not enough deaths to warrant providing basic needs.

Author Steve Boddey

I Have a Dream

I have a dream, a dream where society lives together in peace and harmony. Where the morals of each one of us is left alone to be judged by no-one.

I have a dream of equality for each and every one of us to live our lives as each of us sees fit, without fear of retribution from nonconformists’ to our thinking and no recrimination for our beliefs with each one of us living our lives following our dreams and our passions with freedom and love in our hearts.

I have a dream that this post will make me money.

Oh yes I have a dream.

Author Steve Boddey 

Positive Happiness

When you hear from positive people they never really tell you exactly what to do to bring positivity into ones life.

When you are on the bones of your ass you don’t actually see the bright side do you?

Happy people love it when someone else is successful there is no animosity or ill feelings. There is plenty of good to go around and by embracing someone else’s success will make you feel good. When you favourite team wins a game or you kids win a race or game the abundance of happiness is overwhelming and for a short time all is right with the world.

So celebrate success of others, feel the energy and enjoy these moments, your turn will come.

Author Steve Boddey

Happiness Mindset

Feeling uncomfortable is something that happy people temporarily accept until the situation is processed, learnt from and then released. When you are feeling uncomfortable remember, it will not last long and you can always walk away however by processing it, learning from it then letting it go will be an invaluable experience that will get easier each time you do it.

Respect your feelings as they are valuable messages that should be acknowledged and never be blocked out. It is ok to feel uncomfortable sometimes.

Happy, positive people expect the best outcomes, entering many situations with a nothing but the best will be achieved or happen mind-set. They are always thinking that everything will turn out for the best and it usually does.

Author Steve Boddey


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