Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesdays Twosomes

Mickey and Minnie

Tom and Jerry

Pinky and Perky

Bill and Ben

Monday, May 30, 2011

Cot so much done so little to do

Cecil Rhodes

So little done, so much to do,
These final words by Cecil who?
So little done, so much to do,
My partner says that often to.
So little done, so much to do,
It often refers to peeps like you.
So little done, so much to do,
But what I have done,
Was done for you!

Whitesnakes do it better .... with so little done but so much to do!

Mondays Manic Moments (Changing People)

I was for quite a while some one who struggled to be heard in this vast world of ours.
I felt restricted and hemmed in in everything I did. I felt the need for acceptance whenever I ventured out of my comfort zone, whenever I tried to excel at anything.
The trouble was that this behaviour was actually destroying the very person I wanted to be.
Kelvin the KIwi

The life I live now gives me everything I want and more. It allows me to venture anywhere at any time with no expectations nor limitations other than those I impose upon myself.
The outside world still interferes from time to time however KB and I are slowly ridding ourselves of those things that turned us away from ourselves.

To glance back and see the changes that have occurred over the last couple of years in both KB and I makes one sit back and look gobsmacked at how far we have come and what we have achieved in such a short period of time.
Whilst shopping with KB a song was playing and I nonchalantly asked her if it was Adam Lambert singing. She smiled that cheeky smile and confirmed that it was indeed him.
Later on I asked KB if she knew that Kim Kardashain was getting married with that KB laughed out loud and told me I had become her and that her job was now complete.

KB and Whitesnake
When KB started her 30 days to a happier healthier me I certainly encouraged her to follow it through and am always supportive of what ever she wishes to do however it seems to rub off on both me and Coco Belle and that is not a bad thing at all.
Because we share so much we both find we take on certain habits each of us has.
Eating healthier and exercising sharing our dreams and blogging together all have helped to change our lives and make both of us better people.

We shared the concept of Simply Delish and it has developed into a couple of spin offs like Tuesdays Tantalising Tastes and Whats with the meat.
My blog has become a post a day blog setting up each day with a theme like todays Monday's Manic Moments through to Saturday's Layback and of course I have to give a plug for my Sunday Story Time which will be finishing soon.

We both have a great aventure ahead and are excited at the plans we have made. (Which of course we will be sharing at a later date.)

So for now I have to go and get changed as we are going out.

Whitesnakes do it better ............... for a change!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Story Time Part 19

The story starts here

King of Dreams
Harry N Down

Sunni’s Bar is an old building. Painted white on the outside. It has a canvas awning out front that shades threes tables where people sit outside to eat and drink. We walk in and Sunni is there to meet us. “Come in. Come in. Welcome to Sunni’s place.” He ushers a waiter to get some drinks. “Please come this way.” The place is very open. Yet it reminds me of an antique shop with its assortment of varying objects scattered around the shelfs. Solid wooden tables and chairs with cushions on them.
A variety of colours. Purples, reds, greens and gold. It is like walking back in time. There is no air conditioning other than ceiling fans, yet the place is very cool. We are seated next to a water feature. As I look around, I notice many pot plants with rich green leafy plants in them. The smells of the kitchen float through the place making the mouth water with anticipation.

“You get drunk tonight Kev?” Sunni has a huge smile. His white teeth complement his olive skin and jet-black hair and beard. We drink and eat what is provided for us. Kapil arrives and parks himself down next to us. Joining us but drinking only tea. We both look at him.

“You want to get home tonight, don’t you?” Kev and I laugh. “Mind you. You probably be able to get through that traffic better after a few drinks.” Kev bellows. We all start laughing. I notice Sunni organising his staff to shut up shop. The awning is brought down the shutters on the windows are closed tables and chairs brought in and finally the door is shut. I look at Sunni. As if reading my thoughts.

“My friend this day is quiet day and tonight I have my friends here. So we close early and feast and enjoy good company.” I just smile and nod my approval.

A little girl appears from the kitchen. Long black hair, dark, almost black eyes,, beautiful dark skin. Her skin is darker than Sunni’s. It glistens in the light of the room. She runs to Sunni and hides behind his back. Holding on to his hand.
“Come Shallini. Meet our guests.”
“This is Kevin and this is Steve. You met Kevin a long time ago. These are good men Shallini. No need to be afraid.”

“You see Steve? "
"Five years and still she is frightened, afraid and unable to feel safe.” Kev speaks softly and with a tear in his eye.
“I have told Steve about what happens to kids here sometimes.” Kev wipes his eyes and takes a mouth full of drink.

There is silence for a moment.

“Shallini, Kevin and I have brought you some gifts.” I pull out the Koala Bear and slide it across the table towards Sunni. I stand and pull out the opal bracelet and lay it on the table next to the Koala. I sit back down and start talking to Kev and Kapil. I tell a joke and we all laugh. They both know what I have in mind.

We carry on as if Shallini was just part of the group but each one of us watches to see if she will take the gifts. Sunni sits with us and joins in on the conversation.

The food keeps coming and so does the drinks. We have plenty of laughs and Kev explains what we have been doing and what we will be doing.

Shallini takes the Bear and cuddles it. She gazes at the bracelet and picks it up watching its colours shine with the lighting. She looks at me with a query on her face. I mime putting the bracelet around my wrist. She smiles and tries’s it herself but it drops to the floor. She picks it up and looks at me. I smile back and wave to her to come closer. She shakes her head in the negative. I shrug my shoulders and smile at her again. I enter the conversation once more.
“Sunni is the only male she will go near.” Kapil mentions.
“It is OK mate. When she is ready she will sort it out herself.” I say looking over at her and just nodding.

As the evening wears on, I feel a tap on my arm. It is Shallini holding her Koala in one hand and the bracelet in the other. She holds out the bracelet towards me. I hold out my hand and she drops it into my palm.

Without a word, I slide around in my chair to face her. I mime holding my arm outstretched and nod to her to do the same. Shallini slowly does. Trying not to touch her, I loop the bracelet around her wrist and fasten it. My hands shaking with trepidation that I might scare her. Bracelet on and fastened I slowly move back round to the table. I look in her direction and nod for her to be about her business. With a smile of course. I reach for my beer and notice that no one is talking.

“WHAT?” I shout out. “Why you all looking at me like that?”

Sunni looks at me. “You are the first male she has been near. It is truly a blessing.”
"May the Gods be praised"

“Call it what you like. I call it a bracelet.”
We all laugh. Sunni does to. He understands I want no thanks.
I just want her to be happy and lead a normal life as much as she can.

To be continued ....................here

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday's Layback (Believing)

Once more Saturday enters the week and it is lay back time.
For me, I just can not spend enough time with KB but I soak up every moment I do get.
My love and inspiration.
Of course this may all sound soppy and kind of "I have heard all of this before" but repetition and never allowing things to fall into the "taken for granted" mode will always improve and nurture any relationship.

So I start by saying "KB...... I love you babe and thank you for everything you do xxxx"

Feel so much better now.

Ever let ya mind flow and dream of what we deem to be fantasies. You know the kind of thing, own ya home, go on around the world cruise, visit exotic places or have lots of money.
We have been watching a program where families decide to take a year off and do some thing completely different.
So far a family has sailed round the world on a catamaran another has travelled from Cape Town to Ethiopia (was suppose ta finish in Cairo) and the most recent was a woman and her daughter went through South Africa and Thailand working at different charity centres. They were suppose to go to India but decided to stop and head back to London.

It was interesting to see these families set off and the struggles they had. All of them were not very well prepared and had no back up plan. Each family had different issues that they never thought of and it seemed to me that their issues were blatantly obvious in the first place.
It does get hard to tell in this day and age what is real and what is not in these reality shows. Are these people really that stupid?

Anyway what this program did show us is that anything is  possible.
I have always been a positive person, unfortunately I was surrounded by negativity that continually sapped the positiveness. Now I have KB and slowly the optimist that once was is appearing once more.
All this is leading to a bucket list of sorts. A list of things to be achieved within a certain time frame.
Writing down a list of everything you would like with no limit on anything, especially cost.Then breaking it down into time frames eg: buy a home within next 12 months etc.
Then reassess after that time and adjusting things accordingly.

Believing is the most important part!

All you have to do is believe that what ever you want will happen, it will eventuate. Don't try to figure out the why or the how just believe.
Of course as we go about our daily lives we carry on striving for things in the ususal way, however we keep the belief that it is just around the corner, we start to envisage the life we want is real. It will happen soon enough.

Now, of course, we will have those who choose to ridicule and doubt but that is par for the course isn't it and there is a good chance that these unbelievers are the very people that believe in a God of some description. A God that they can neither prove nor disprove exsists, yet they believe and good on them I say.
Although, if all this believe stuff is a load of cods wallop then how many Christians and Muslims are not gonna be feeling the love when their turn comes?

Have a wonderful weekend peeps
Layback relax and dream ya dreams and may they all come true.

Whitesnakes do it better .............. with a dream to be had!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesdays Wisdom

"A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity."
Photo by Treza Drewett
Robert A. Heinlein
"Let every man judge according to his own standards, by what he has himself read, not by what others tell him."
Albert Einstein
"It is easy -- terribly easy -- to shake a man's faith in himself. To take advantage of that to break a man's spirit is devil's work."
George Bernard Shaw
"Life is based on your self-confidence. When you trust yourself, that means you know you can do things. If you don't have that trust, that means you're always going to have doubts in your mind."
Sandy Alomar
"Without self-confidence we are as babes in the cradles. And how can we generate this imponderable quality, which is yet so invaluable most quickly? By thinking that other people are inferior to oneself."

Virginia Woolf

"Peope ask me ta do a lot of stuff that is out of my comfort zone. I have failed many times but not by my standards by theirs. It is not that my standards are not high enough it is actually theirs"
Steve Boddey.


Monday, May 23, 2011

COT to get Religion!

What if god was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home 
Then he better have a damn good excuse for not calling!

Whitesnakes do it better ............ Oh yeah!

Monday Manic Moments (My Sisters Birthday)

A long time ago before even time itself evolved a female was conceived and given the name Therese Marie.

OK it was really back in the sixties, early sixties and her name was Therese Marie Boddey and she is my sister and it is her birthday today 23rd of May but the lucky tart gets to celebrate it twice as she is swanning around the Mediterranean with her husband.

My sister and husband.
Photo by The Ghost who takes Pictures.
 Happy Birthday Sis xx

Whitesnakes do it better ........... As always!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Walkabout (All by Myself)

I wanted to renew my passport as it runs out sometime this year and that means I have to take a trip into Auckland and visit the Australian Consulate and a trip into the city is not something either of us really want to do.
Car parking is a rip off and the place is normally packed with tourists.
I have decided to go it alone. Taking the car would be a friggin nightmare as the traffic can be quite thick and I don't just mean lots of vehicles on the road.
Public Transport over here is not as easy as over in Australia but I did work it out. Now to find a bus stop.

View from near the bus stop!
I caught the bus about 750 metres from our house just round the corner on the main road with a load of drivers who haven't got a clue how to drive or what the road rules are.
I needed to cross the main road so I went to the pedestrian crossing at the traffic lights. There was a lane for turning traffic but there was also the white lines known to most intelligent being as the Zebra crossing. This is the area where pedestrians are suppose to walk and where vehicles drivers HAVE to stop and give way to those that cross.
NOT at this crossing. It seems that the the traffic that came around the corner had drivers who had sight problems and a form of verbal diarrhea judging by the abuse that flowed fluently from their mouths.
Even after surviving that and although the light green man was well lit and the red lights had halted the traffic flow someone felt the need to fly through the intersection.

Safely across the main road and at the bus stop some other members of the public rocked up. A young asian male about 20ish with jet black hair he can do stuff all with, glasses that have lenses that remind me of the bottom of coke bottle and a complete obsession with his iphone. There was of course a terrorist, well I say a terrorist but she may have been ok but she was covered head ta foot with clothes and only her eyes and that jewish nose were visible. My guess she was a student as she had a knapsack full of books however one book I noticed was all about fertilisers. My hope is that she is a keen gardener.

The bus arrives on time and I step aside to allow the lady to get on first. Ya would have thought I had pulled my pants down and waved me private bits at her the way she carried on. Bugga you then, I got on first. The bus driver smiled and shook his head. I moved to the centre of the bus and sat up against the window.

Not far to go?
The journey took about 40 mins and was uneventful. I did notice there were quite a few asians out shopping. Maybe I had come out on Chinese food day or something.
It is interesting to see the changes in surroundings as one gets closer to the city. One gets the feeling that at one time this house or that had stood alone at some point in time but now had been suffocated buy modern times.

Fortunately the bus stops outside of Britomart Station which I was grateful for as there are tens of millions of people who use the station and not just for the transport.
What I do like about the city is everything is within reach of the transport system. My destination was actually just around the corner although I cheated an went through the shopping centre which had a walk way to where I needed to be thus avoiding all the traffic but unfortunately not the people.
I enter the Price Waterhouse Coopers Building PWC for short and I look at the directory searching for the consulate.
View from PWC
Right  it's on level 7.
I head to the lifts and there are about 10 of them with no buttons to push. One opens and some people get out. I get in the door closes and I look to see where the buttons are for floor levels. There are none!
The woman across from me looks me up and down and then looks straight ahead. "OK" I say. "How do I get to level 7?" The woman looks over at me and smiles "Get off at the next floor look for the directory board and press the button with the floor number. It will then show on the screen the lift you need to get into. Lifts have letters above them A,B,C etc" "Thank you very much." I get off at the next stop and finally get to level 7 where I am met by one big I mean big security guard.

Empty the contents of my pockets onto the table. Hold my arms out. Turn my mobile off. then when the man is satisfied I am allowed into the consulate where I take a ticket, wait 10 mins, hand over the paper work pay the required amount and then am bundled out.

Back to the bus stop I have 50 minute wait, so I decide to have a wee look around the waterfront which is like 2 minutes away take a few pics get back on the bus and get back home.

View of waterfront
On the way home the bus fills up with an assortment of people, some of whom don't wash!
Back in my own suburb and now off the bus and walking home I call KB and ask if she wants a burger from the local takeaway.
At home I share my experience and we have a laugh.
Now that was some walkabout how was your day?

Whitesnakes do it better .......... Weekend Walkabout is here

Sunday Story Time Part 18

The story starts here

King of Dreams
Harry N Down

“Sunni’s Bar and Eat House.”
Kev tells me of his last trip here. He met Kapil and Sunni. It was with these to gentlemen he found out about the kids. Sunni and his wife had adopted a girl who had been abused by her father and uncle. She was at the time only five years old.
“That was almost five years ago.” Kev reflects. “Time fly’s past quickly.”

We chat some more. The phone rings. Kapil is waiting for us in the lobby.
I head off to my room and grab a soft toy and an opal bracelet. Placing them in a bag, I check over the room and then close the door. We enter the lift and head down to the lobby.

“Well mate, out into the great unknown. Heat Dust and whatever else India has to offer.”
“Ever the comedian eh Steve?”

We meet Kapil and after reintroductions, we pile into his cab and head off. Fortunately, Kapil’s cab has air conditioning. India’s heat is something you have to experience to come to terms with.
“You called Chetna, Steve?”
“No. Might call her tonight or maybe tomorrow. She is not expecting us till next week anyway.”

New Delhi Street
I have no idea where I am. The trip is slow. The traffic is dense and there are Cows everywhere in the streets. I conclude there are no road rules other than you are NOT allowed to injure the cows. Horns honking, people yelling there are millions of people here. There is plenty of colourful clothing being worn by people walking the streets. I even notice that the men urinate up against the walls without so much as a care in the world. What a strange place this is.

We pass about a dozen temples. All different shapes and sizes. In some places, you can see the old English architecture that was used so many years ago, still dominating the streets. Some are beautiful and some are just plain ugly.

“How have you found India so far Steve?” Kapil asks.
“Well being that I have mainly seen the inside of your cab. Pretty good so far.” Comes my smart-ass reply.
Kapil give a thunderous laugh. “Kevin said you would be a funny man.”
I look at Kev.
”So KEVIN is it?” “How nice.” I start grinning.
“It is proper English.” Kev quickly replies.
“Ok then KEVIN it is from now on.”
“Oh Bugga off Steve. You know what I mean.”

As we continue driving through the streets of Delhi, Kapil highlights this and that as we go. Giving us brief descriptions of what each building, monument, statue and temple is all about. Quite interesting really. Kapil does not over do the tourist guide bit. Keeps it straight to the point and simple.

It took about thirty mins to get to Sunni’s Bar. Kapil explained that normally it would take fifty mins but the traffic was a bit lighter than normal. I just looked at Kev and he slapped my back and smiled.
“Welcome to Delhi.” It is Kev’s Turn to grin.
“You two go in I have to park the car. Sunni is expecting you. He remembers you Kev.” Kapil laughs as he drives off.
“What was all that about?” I ask.
“Got drunk here once and these two have never let me forget it.”

To be continued ....................here

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday's Layback (Taking Stock)

Hey, Hey you with the friggin' sad look on ya face.

Yeah you!
Where the hell do you get off putting that sad excuse for a face out in public?
Let me tell ya that I have had enough. I have been crook and I still ain't feeling 100% but man do I have some issues ta deal with.

I am at the mo, crooker than a crook persons crook bits but let me tell ya I have had enough!
YES enough!

I have a woman who in my eyes and from my view point is the most beautifulest woman in the world and she loves me with no need for me ta be anything but who I am and I love her with just as much much passion  as ever.

OK enough of the soppy stuff!

We need ta sort it out!
What we need to deal with here or rather I have ta deal with here is:-

All the frigging wankers that walk this earth that I have NO....................... repeat NO ...............fucking control other wankers will.......continue ta pester the fuck out of me. They will continue to break road rules, running red lights, cutting ya off and taking up space. Not indicating and speeding and nearly killing all those around em They are the bastards that constantly try to cause accidents on the road.

I need ta accept that there  are bastards out there that will shoplift and not give a flying fuck how it effects the prices of goods. Nor how many other people are effected by their actions.They will laugh in your face know the justice system will do nothing but give them an excuse to do it over and over again,

They  the offenders are thinking that it is their GOD GIVEN RIGHT ta steal from anyone or anybody! Might I add without any form of acceptance that it is wrong!

I also have to accept that the New Zealand Justice system and the New Zealand Government is committed to being  anti victim and totally committed to supporting the offenders of crimes because they are the poor ass wipes that require help and are in need of assistance.
It couldn't possibly be the poor fucker whose was stabbed, murdered, raped or even had their car stolen, broken into or bag stolen, threaten for no reason the list goes on.no there is no need for any sort of assistance or compensation.
Oh no!. The Government and Justice system believes the community can not accept that the innocent people who have a crime committed against them should in any way shape or form require assistance ta deal with the emotional and psychological side of crime. Not even a whimper of help. Note even an acknowledgement.

HEY ..... we have victims of crime persons and help like stuff!

OH really?

A bunch of useless tossers getting paid ta ignore the truth or not being paid, thus just looking for self esteem like "Hey look at me I help screw victims of crime" and I feel James Brown!

Photo by Treza Drewett
Here is what I have to accept.
NZ police do a damn fine job within the constraints of the law.

The Government and Justice system just fucks victims over .........and so do all those do gooder wankers who are all for the PC stuff that quite simply ....................doesn't work.

We get every now and then eccentrics who......... like me  will tell it like it is and the majority agree yet never follow through.

Sadly, the minority will have their say and the rest of us just can't be bothered,
So until we can be bothered stop ya complaining!

It is all about taking stock. Yes I wanna see the life I lead to be right and stuff. The outside influence's that we have no control of will fuck us over, unfortunately governments and public service will always interfere with that and to be completely honest............they do not give a shit!
If governments actually did do what they thought was best and I mean really thought of what was good for the country, if they actually did what were elected for they wouldn't last very long.
Wouldn't want me as the PM might get some justice up and running and actually get some work done!

Whitesnakes do it better ........... Do I stand alone?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesdays Wisdom

You may only be someone in the world, but to someone else, you may be the world

"When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
Unknown noises
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit."

"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."


"Yesterday is history. Tommorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift that's why they call it the present."

Road to no-where
"Some people talk about finding God - as if He could get lost."
"Even perfect people use pencils with erasers."
Steve Boddey

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mondays Manic Moments (Attack of the Health Freaks)

Contemplating getting healthy!
It seems to me that we have in this world a group of humans who for no particular reason known to man or beast want to become fanatics.
We have religious fanatics, sex fanatics,  animal rights fanatics, veggie fanatics, environmental fanatics, political fanatics and of course health fanatics.

While sitting having a quiet beer and looking at my somewhat pot belly I thought about getting fit and healthy.
You know those thoughts of, going to the gym, constantly watching what I eat, eating healthy food, exercise daily, lose some weight, work out to get a 6  pack stomach instead of a 6 pack beer you know those thoughts those kind of things.

I did say, I thought about it!

It lasted but a mere few minutes before I decided that if I were to follow that path I too would then become a fanatic. So my mind started to explain why health fanatic is not a good life to be leading.

Don't get me wrong, I eat well and healthy, (KB sees to that) I exercise regularly via walking and other stuff. and  I am not saying one shouldn't be healthy, I am saying I don't want to become fanatical about it.

You see fanatics are people who have suffered greatly in their life and this causes problems with their outlook on life and due to their failing mental state their behaviour becomes extreme and they then try to push their point across via any means. Always confrontational, always irrational, constantly annoying  and sometimes even violent

A point in case: Only a celibate, ONLY a celibate would come up with the withdrawal method of contraception. At the point of ejaculation withdraw. Ain't a herd of wild horses gonna make my arse go in the other direction. This is pure and simply a mentally unstable persons view point mainly due to the lack of sex.
A celibate can not have sex so tries to deny those that do their most intimate moment. There by justifying their stance on things.
Same applys to Vegans. Not suppose ta have anything to do with animal products yet everything we eat has been in some way shape or form been in contact with animals. They then come up with excuses.

Healthy nutters came up with jogging and then people started dying or were seriously injured due to jogging.
Joggers were mugged, raped and murdered. Who came up with "Jogging is healthy?"

Health nutters do strange things, they run in the streets in temperatures that no mortal with an ounce of sense would run in. They weigh not only themselves but also other things like food and stuff. they constantly count things, like calories and laps of the oval and heart rates. They use weird substances to enhance things such as muscles and penises. They wear clothes that no reasonable human would contemplate wearing.
They spends thousands of dollars on mineral water from a shop when tap water is available (what is the difference anyway.) They buy weird DVDs featuring scantly clad girls or scantly clad males. The males being the ones who haven't decided which side of the sexual fence they want to be on.

These people are constantly looking for ways to live longer and become stronger yet in the end they die from over exertion or as old age takes it's toll they look more haggard and flabby from all that sunshine, wind and rain they had been running in.
We then add in mother natures revenge, gravity, finally sagging the bits they tried for years to tone.

Nope, healthy lifestyle is fine but only in moderation.

Oh yummy yum yum!
Now off to KFC to get that double breasted chicken burger with bacon and cheese with 630 calories and quite a bit of fat content.

Knowing me I'll probably only eat the bacon and the skin!

Whitesnakes do it better ............................Fanatically!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Story Time Part 17

The story starts here

King of Dreams
Harry N Down

New Delhi
We finish our drink. Kev seems more composed. “Ok mate let’s get to this hotel and kick back.”
We head off, inundated with taxi drivers.
“Bugga off” Kev shouts as we move through the crowd.

“Kapil, Kapil, Good to see you again.” I look at Kev as if I had thought he had been here before. He actually had. I never thought he would have connections here but apparently, he has.
“Steve, follow Kapil, He will look after us.”

We board Kapil’s cab. An Auto kind of rickshaw. Green and a kind of yellow in colour.
He takes us straight to the hotel some 25 mins away from the airport.
Kev pays the fare and spends time with Kapil.
I watch as Kapil and Kev talk.
Being tired and in need of a bed I head to the reception and book in.
The Taj Mahal Hotel on Mansingh Road is apparently five stars. I am not particularly bothered I just want to get some sleep in a proper bed.
Kev follows as we are escorted up to our rooms.
“See you in a couple of hours.” I tell Kev as I enter my room.

The room is luxury to the extreme. A king size bed that is bigger than big!
I check the fridge. I had requested all the crap was taken out and they fill it with beer and soft drink with a few bottles of juice.
I am not going to pay for stuff out of the fridge. If I do, I want what I drink in there. Still, this place so far has delivered on its promises of satisfying the customer. I check the fridge again. Yes, they have milk in there.
I turn on the air conditioner, kick off my shoes and lay upon the bed. I fall asleep.

The ringing of the phone wakes me up. It is Kev.
“We are eating out tonight. A lovely place I have been to last time I was here. Be ready in 2 hrs.”
“Yeah no worries.” I hang up the phone and stretch. Unpack my clothes and put them neatly away. Set up the laptop and head off to the shower.
Now cleaned and dressed I check my emails. A knock at the door. I let Kev in. He heads straight for the fridge gets two beers out and opens them. Passing one over to me, he starts explaining his problem with Delhi, more to the point India and the way children, especially females are treated. The abuse of kids here is quite common apparently. I sit and listen. Chetna had often spoken about abused kids.
“You don’t seem surprised.” Kev looks over at me.
“In this world mate, nothing surprises me.” I swivel my chair around so I am facing him.
“Kev, this is a different world a different culture. We are strangers here and this place seems to be still living in the dark ages when it comes to these kinds of things.”

“I find it disgusting this sort of thing happens but all we can do is help where we can. They need to change their own outlook when it comes to these things. These people need to change it themselves not have outsiders come in and tell them how they should live. The government here needs to do more. If we go out lambasting the government or who ever they will just look at us as a couple of foreign nutters. Paying us no mind.”

“So we do nothing?” Kev states.

“Didn’t say that mate. Didn’t say that at all.” I swivel the chair back to the laptop and finish off my emails. I update our journal then shut it down.
Kev is very quiet as we finish our drink.
“Another one mate?”
“Yeah why not” he says somewhat casually.

“Where we off to for dinner?” I ask giving him a drink.
“Oh Yeah.” Kev’s tone changes from stern to his usual happy go lucky self.

“Sunni’s Bar and Eat House.”

To be continued ........................here

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturdays Layback

Let us layback on Saturdays!

Let's face it there are too many wankers in the world so lets get rid of any fanatical religious people as a matter of fact we could included organisations that insight hatered, all murderers, rapists, druggies and child molesters and of course vegans (The enviromental terrorists)

Now the world is a better safer place. I feel so much better,
Work has settled into a steady shift and last weekend was wonderful spending time with KB and of course her parents on Mothers Day.

I finally got one of my workmates recipes up on Simply Delish which I must say is a relief as I had promised to do it some time back. A chinese recipe.

The weather here has not been conducive to Walkabout but KB and I are commited to doing something every weekend I have off which of course will be everyone. (weekend that is)

The weekend started out as a shocker. In 15 mins we had the most stressful experience possible but we survived.

Of course Blogger broke down and I lost a few of my posts but it is finally the weekend and I have two whole days with KB and the dog of eternal stench who at the moment is very sick. So sick she is just laying in bed sleeping.
However it appears that opening the fridge door and removing food soon gets Coco to jump out of bed and spring into action!

Well peeps it is time ta lay back and relax.......
Have a great weekend

Whitesnakes do it better ..................... Hell Yeah!

Fridays Fry Up

Nothing like an outdoor BBQ

Now for something different!

Thursdays Picture

Do Not Enter!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesdays Wisdom

"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime."
Babe Ruth
"Out of clutter, find Simplicity. From discord, find Harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies Opportunity."
Albert Einstein
"There is no point at which you can say, 'Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap.'"
For fist full of dollars
Carrie Fisher
"Do or do not... there is no try."

"Everyday's a great day."
Treza Drewett

"Every day I am given 24hrs free of charge. Can't stop now I don't wanna waste them"
Steve Boddey

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

COT one for the record

My Dream.
In the merry month of May
In a morn by break of day
In a very toxic state,
The dreams they had to wait.

In the merry month of May
When I was led astray,
The visions were a blur,
Not knowing who you were.

In the merry month of May,
On this Mothers day
I found that dreams come true,
When I found myself with you.

Whitesnakes do it better ........................ and so they should!

Monday Manic Moments (Death via Stranger)

The sun is bright yet the late morning air is cool and crisp.
It will be a fine day to be out and about or so I thought.
We only  have to pick up some veggies and some free range bacon from the shops not more than a ten minute drive.

KB starts the car as music plays, I change the station as the music is crappy and worse still it a station I normally listen to. KB's station ain't much better but it is tolerable so I leave it on.

At the top of the driveway the neighbours all around have parked their vehicles in such a way that you can't see any of the road for on coming traffic. Fortunately we live in a cul de sac so not much traffic comes out way but really the point is the vehicles shouldn't be parked on bends and secondly these big vehicles should be parked in driveways that are empty.
We figure that these people have these vehicles to compensate for what is lacking between the ears and thighs  and that their driving skills did not include driveway entry and exit training.

Finally free of our driveway we venture 50 metres to the tee junction and turn left. Well we try to tun left. All of a sudden there are more cars on the road than ever before and as soon as the on coming traffic sees us they speed up to prevent us from exiting.
It's all good we breathe and wait.
Fortunately a pedestrian ventures across the walkway bringing the traffic to a screaming halt and allowing us to turn and be on our way.

It is a mere 500 metres to the next turn off. Another tee junction with traffic lights.
During this short journey two vehicles whiz past us nearly cleaning up some of the traffic coming the other way.
At the lights we try to turn left. We wait for the on coming traffic to pass and wave to the 2 idiots who passed us and are now stuck behind a truck that looks like it may need extra time to make it across the road when the lights change.
The lights change and KB waits just a few more seconds before taking off and rightly so as a black piece of crap flies through the red light and passes us as we start to pull out.

I always feel safe with KB. She is an excellent driver who continually follows the road rules religiously.
It is about 3km to the veggie shop and in that time we have 4-5 other drivers cutting in front of us just so they can slam on their brakes.
We also have a dickhead who is persistent in driving right behind us I am sure he wants to take a look inside our boot.
We turn left once more into the car park of the veggie shop where once more the efforts of idiots and imbeciles are open for all to see.

An asian women who can barely see over the steering wheel drives in and out of a car park space while we wait to go pass. She doesn't actually go all the way in and if she did KB wouldn't take the chance of driving passed. The woman would probaly T-bone us. She already has nearly hit a few people who for some unknown reason have a death wish and walk behind the moving vehicle.
After all that, the woman pulls out once more and drives off.
We take the space.

Veggies brought it is now off to the butchers.
Other than being cut off in the carpark and having 2 females trying to kill themelves via jumping infront of us we make it 500 metres down the road and to the butchers carpark where another nightmare is awaiting us.
A rather large truck requires entry to the car park.
All people have to do is give the guy room and he will be out of the way very quickly.
We kindly give the truckie room to move which he acknowledges only to have some ass wipe slip in and out.
All that has to happen is let the guy in and he will park at the back of the store.
OH no......................not gonna happen. I shit you not .........................with vehicles parked either side of the road and this truck on one side us on the other the cars behind the truck started to try and pass the truck and even cut in front.
KB and I couldn't believe it.
How stupid are people?
Worse still not a police officer in sight.

The ride home was event free other than a few red light runners.
A 10-15 minute outing turned into a stressful experience.
The trouble is these idiots cause accidents and have no accountability.
That's the sad part.

Whitesnakes do it better ........................... Driving us Crazy


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