Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I remember

My head felt heavy and my knees buckled.
In slow motion I made my way to the ground below.
The shivers I felt were of arctic proportions.
The heat and sweat that followed were that of a desert sun.
I remember her wiping my brow with a cold towel.
I felt her soft touch comforting me.
I remember the silkiness of her body against mine as I shivered in and out of consciousness.
I sort comfort as she straddled me and rocked back and forth, soothing me and boiling her emotions.
I held her as the climax came and seemed to linger longer than I had ever felt before.
I remember her kisses, soft and passionate. Her embrace a rainbow of love.
I remember her sleeping as I dosed in and out from the fever that had taken over.
I remember waking.
Waking up alone.

Steve Boddey June 2009

1 comment:

paisley said...

this kind of runs with the dream theme from keiths carry on tuesday... very nicely done steve....


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