Sunday, June 27, 2010


The world around us hangs in doubt
You face a crime that we'll hear about
To pay the cost would never be the same
Eternal lovers we're not to blame
There's no mistake there's no refrain
The same surroundings that stood
Are here again this time.

Imagine how people react to situations that come around in ones life. Imagine how we carry on when things go wrong. Imagine how we are judged by our actions and condemned without question. Imagine being able to change things that would make the hurt go away. Imagine if everyone thought like me. cared as much as i do, loved as much as I do, imagine if people understood ............

Wouldn't that SUCK!

Whitesnakes say it better ....................... We ya do it so well. 


Anonymous said...

you are a sick bastard

Stan Ski said...

Two sides to every story, mate.
And we don't all get second chances...

Weasel said...

It may suck, but almost every time you have to play with what your given. Nicely written! Thanks for sharing!


Elizabeth said...

Actually, I do imagine all of those things and more. It doesn't suck. It gives birth to hope and sometimes even actions.


Diane T said...

Aussie humor? (Excuse me, humour?)

Wayne Pitchko said...

hmmmmmmmmm as i use my imagination trying to figure out things.....on the other hand............hmmmmmmmm

keiths ramblings said...

One day, long after we are gone, they'll be quoting the words of Whitesnake The Wise and saying.......'silly sod!'

KB said...

You have quite the imagination Mr Snake xxxx

Anonymous said...

Mr. Snake, I've never read you before. Your stuff is provocative to say the least! I mean, look at all the comments (except the first - anonymous comments aren't worth reading). You made us THINK!

Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or sincere, but I'm a big believer in the power of imagination and love... Peace, Amy


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