Saturday, January 9, 2010

Les be friends, Homo ya don't

I thought at first it was my time management that was shot ta pieces, but nope. Maybe working longer hours?
Maybe even the fact I may have reach the end of my writing days?
It's pure and simple really!
I am happy and content.

Amazingly I find writing about happy moments difficult.
To dwell in the sadness and sorrow or woah is me and imagining dreams of a better way so easy ta put into words rather than writing about happy things that are here and now.

Not ta say life before was really bad it's just that I wanted, needed something else and I didn't know what.
Already the sarcasm is slowly returning.
The quick wit and humour making their way back into comments.
Slowly I am getting to where I wanna be.

Right here, right now, it's all good.
Right now I am just learning how ta deal with it......

Whitesnakes do it better ............ Now? Who's ya daddy?

1 comment:

KB said...

I never knew you were sarcastic!


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