Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Is America Ready to Rumble?

Is America really heading down the drain?

You would think so with all the crap coming out in the news and social media.

Let’s see:-

1) Facebook, Twitter and U-Tube decide what we can and cannot see, read or publish. (What happened to your 1st amendment)? No accountability. 

2) Abortions can be done at anytime (even afterbirth). What happened to human rights and where are all those human right activists? Planned Parenthood is about planning for being a parent not exterminating babies out of convenience. Harvesting babies for experimentation is inhumane.
No accountability.

3) The men and women who patrol the borders have stated that a barrier, wall or fence along the southern border would greatly assist them in successfully doing their job yet Democrat Senators say otherwise (whilst living behind said barriers, walls and fences, oh and with security guards)

4) Democrats in high ranking office believe drugs, human trafficking and sex trading only happen at ports of call. They believe that criminals would not think of crossing anywhere else. You elected these idiots.

5) Democrats want to take away your guns claiming it makes the world a safer place. Criminals don’t play by rules and do not care about laws. The cities with gun control have become criminal havens and murder and mayhem capitals.

6) Democrats want illegal aliens looked after before US citizens and are in denial of the murders of US citizens by illegal aliens, some that have been deported many on numerous occasions. God Bless Angel Moms who democrats refuse to acknowledge.

7) Alexandria Ocasio Cortez a democrat who believes the world will end in 12 years, claims her New Green Deal will save the America yet has no concept of cost other than telling you that if all you are worried about is how they are going to pay for it shows that you don’t care.

8) The Fake News Media is not held accountable for their lies and malicious and false reporting of events. The inability of The Fake News Media to report news in a balanced form goes to show how low journalism has gone. I remember news being delivered without the opinion of some jacked up ass wipe.

9) Celebs, sports star’s, musicians and actors etc you are there to entertain me not solicit your opinions to me nor anyone else. If you feel so strongly do it on your own time, NOT when I paid, to watch or cheer to forget the turmoil’s of life for awhile. Oh and are you also hiding behind walls barriers or fences, surrounded by security?

These are just a few examples of why the USA will be heading down the gurgler if these people are allowed to continue to destroy your American values.

Democrats and their supporters will always be the  dissident voices heard in the land, expressing opposition without alternatives, finding fault but never favour, perceiving gloom on every side and seeking influence without responsibility. These voices are inevitable and must be challenged and held accountable. (JFK called it.)

I as an outsider looking in and having grown up knowing what it meant to be an American I cannot believe that these people can blatantly lie to the American people and they are not held accountable.

The America I knew was a country every other country aspired to be like, however now we may all be heading down the same drain.

Author Steve Boddey

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Nothing to Lose

her phone number scribbled inside my brain,
good loving gone bad, it’s all the same,
got a sweet reputation, she had done it all,
pulled me in, then watched me fall,
never told the truth, never told a lie,
make a dead man rise, make a blind man cry,
a seeker of love, with nothing to lose.

made her plans, in the bedroom mirror,
with a wave of her hand, I became a sinner,
she took me in, then she took my seed,
told them all, I was a man of greed,
laughed in my face, then slapped me bad,
they say a man don’t hurt, when he's sad,
a seeker of love, with nothing to lose.

now she wants mercy, she now wants love,
legs in the air, reach for heaven above,
words like I love you, chill my broke soul,
she be the reason, the world gone cold,
what a beautiful mover, well what can i say?
shake my heart and mind  as I’m walking away,
I was seeker of love, with nothing to lose.

Author Steve Boddey

Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Battle Rages On

religious words have so much to say,
yet war ‘n’ hate don’t go away,
take the words, and mix them up,
a load of bullshit, is all you've got.

so many killed, so many died,
ask the question, there’s no reason why,
don’t talk to me of love for my fella man,
you use the faith and don’t give a damn.

living in fear, is all we got,
it’s all about, who gets the final shot,
don’t ask me to understand,
you are a killing field, killing every man.

there is no reason, for what you do,
be serious, i’m human, just like you,
annihilation is what you seek,
vestal virgins, need to stand and speak.

you speak of death, and kill them all,
watch the mighty fall,
no one wins, yet the war goes on,
there is no road to glory,
the battle rages on!

Author Steve Boddey

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Paint a Picture

In my head I paint a picture
Of what I see in you,
Watch you grow from childhood.
Watched everything you do.
In my head I paint a picture,
I see it in my mind
I have to paint the pictures,
From birth I have been blind.

Whitesnakes do it better ........Always

Welcome to tuesday-platform

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Domestic Abuse

Abuse comes in basically 3 forms, Physical, Verbal and Mental. I think mental abuse is the worst of the 3. Broken bones mend, bruises fade, threats and choice words can be forgiven however all of these are never forgotten. Something said or done, a particular smell, a gut feeling, seeing the signs happening to someone else. These are some triggers to bringing the fears of ten or twenty years ago.

If you think women are the only sufferers you would be wrong, men, women, and sadly children can be victims. Two poems for Poetry Pantry

Her thoughts were her own
On the hospital bed,
Echoing words,
Of the things that he said
Control and cage you,
Break your soul to the core,
Say that he loves you,
Call you a scrub and a whore.

Her husband beside her,
Took his eyes from his book,
“Tidy your face girl.”
“You make me feel crook.”
It was then the door opened,
And there stood a man,
Who moved straight towards her,
And held out his hand.

The husband got angry,
And picked up his chair,
He threw it towards him,
But the man wasn't there.
Her husband's last memory,
Was the pain in his head,
The ache of ribs broken,
He’d wished he was dead.

Returned to the room,
She had tears in her eyes,
The man asked her no questions,
What-ifs and no whys.
He just held her hand,
As it shook and did shake,
He kissed it so gently,
No pain did it make.

For the rest of her time there,
He sat by her bed,
Telling her stories,
Of things they had said.
She swore then and there,
That never again,
Would a man ever control,
Or drive her insane.

By Steve Boddey

The blood was not his,
As he looked at his hand,
He just watched the child crying,
This despicable man.

No mother for comfort,
A child with no friend,
No brothers or sisters,
Want the beating to end.

Yelling and screaming,
Yet the child remain still,
Doing whatever,
Was this mans will.

A good hearted woman,
Passed by there one day,
She stared at the child,
Who had nothing to say?

The black marks and the bruises,
That is what she did see,
She told the poor child,
That has happened to me

The man was outraged
When he saw her stand there,
Mind your own business,
What do you care?

She pulled out a pistol,
And he heard the gun click,
He fell to his knees,
Feeling quite sick.

The squad car arrived,
Heard the things he had done,
This good hearted woman,
Came back for her son.

Author Steve Boddey

Share you creativity with Poetry Pantry

Monday, February 4, 2019

Children's Hour Poetry

Childhood Dream
Between the dark and the daylight
When the night is beginning to lower
Comes a pause in the day’s occupations
That is known as the Children’s Hour
All fed from the table,
Given such wondrous treats,
Washed really clean,
And smelling so sweet.
Giggling and laughter,
As bedtime draws near,
Awaiting  father's story,
Of adventure and fear.
Children sitting with their cocoa,
Father sits in his chair,
He begins a new story,
The children all stare.
Mother comes to join them,
Her chores now all done,
They all sit together
All listening as one.

Father, does all the voices,
As the adventure pours out,
Running and chasing,
Even romance is about!
Alas there is always,
An end to this time,
Off to our beds,
To rythmn and rhyme.
I look back at these times,
All the troubles and strife,
It was the magical stories,
The best time of my life!

Whitesnakes do it better ..............when the children smile

Poetry Pantry for all poets.


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