Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Dog of Eternal Stench

It was a couple of years ago when I first met Karen.
We had talked on the phone often and in one conversation she spoke of her love for her dog. A black cocker spaniel named Coco.

Karen told me that her dog had a strange habit of barking at any male that came near her or KB. "It will take a while for her to get use to you." KB mentioned.

On the first meeting we pulled into the driveway to find this black dog prancing like a troting horse towards the car.
All Coco did was have a sniff of the Whitesnake then wandered off ta KB to greet her with jumps and licks and kisses.

I found out that Coco likes bananas as I jokingly held one between my legs. One gulp and it was gone. It wasn't till KB and I moved in together that I truly got to know Coco.
While at the motel where we first were living KB had to travel home and back to see her beloved Coco. We did try a couple of nights at the motel but she became overly protective and hence this force us to seek a place where we all could be together.

Now in the comfort of our own little touch of paradise Coco has finally settled.

YEP settled alright! The dog with bad breath at one end and putrid farts at the other.

The DOG of eternal stench has final found her place.
KB has often threatened ta feed her some baked beans cos they really bring out the best farts ever.
Coco lays on her bed next to KB and on several occasions has let one rip to KB's horror and my fits of laughter. Coco of course is oblivious to all this and merely casually looks up before resting her head once more. All as if nought has happened.

KB deliver Coco her dinner and says something like "Hmm Coco Belle this is delicous."
What I wanna know is how does KB know this?
Does she eat it?
Besides after eating the first thing Coco does is lick her ass. Probaly ta get rid of the taste outta her mouth.
BUT! that's not all after licking her butt she wants ta come and give her daddy a kiss.
Coco........on ya bed...........You ugly dog you!

Coco loves us both ya can tell.
I play with her as often as I can and she is usually well behaved until KB lets her get away with things.
Coco as much as I love ya...You will always be the DOG of eternal stench..........

Whitesnakes do it better...........Pass the baby wipes Karen!


KB said...

Does this make you the Dad of Eternal Stench? Nice post babe.

JP/deb said...

i used to have an english setter that had bad breath and super stinky farts ... i was a teenager and when i brought friends over it was SO mortifying! but, he was a sweet ole boy and i still miss him. so here's to my stinky "Topper" and your stinky "Coco."


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