Saturday, April 25, 2009

Anzac day and other bits.

For quite a few months now I have been having problems in regards to what I should or should not write about. Trying to find stuff ta talk about and find stuff that would interest others. To be honest, that was probably the biggest mistake I made. Fuck pleasing others and trying ta be nice and polite. Stick ya political correctness up ya bum. (It fits in there nicely with some people.)

I went out last night and got home around one maybe three am.

Before I went out the darling wife had been sitting at her laptop giggling away ta herself and finally decided ta share what she had been reading with me.

Canada joins 'racist' NZ Eskimo lolly debate who would have thought some 21year old woman who has just got outta nappies and who probally had a bad case of PMS at the time would come up with this sort crap?
The best part is some of the comments that are left with the article and most actually come from her fellow countrymen.
Countrymen it is. Not country person or woman. Countrymen is the way it is suppose ta be. Besides if ya say it properly it has a female sound ta it anyways. (You figure it out)
Anyways so this woman is all up in arms over an ice-cream and ta make matters worse she intends visiting Australia where we have Coon Cheese and our drink containers are called Esky’s. You read it. The best one was about the Martians and Mars bars.
Oh and does anyone know what an Inuit is? Is sounds like an insult ta me........

I went out yesterday afternoon or there abouts with a mate.
We went ta his local Manurewa RSA . Pronounced MAN U REE WA for those that feel the need ta say it correctly. We had an absolutely brilliant time.
Lawrence had put a bet on and was watching the race on the tube when all of a sudden the TV went off and lights started ta fade. He looked at me and asked WTF was going on.
“6pm.”I said standing up and placing my beer on the table.
For those not knowledgeable in such things. At 6pm in any RSA club everything stops and we stand in silence ta remember fallen comrades. Doesn’t last long but poor Lawrence missed watching his horse win. Well I think it won.
We sat down and had a laugh at how he had been coming ta the club for years but had rarely been there at 6pm for the remembrance time.

We ended up at his house where I met his beautiful wife from American Samoa.
I didn’t realise that there was a place called American Samoa I thought she was just highlighting the fact she had American heritage.
See there is Western Samoa and American Samoa so called because they couldn’t spell East.
We ended up opening a bottle of red and we had a marvellous time so we all thought we should go back ta my place and annoy the crap outta Shaz.
3.20am I hit me pillow.

In the morning I awoke as I normally do. Cooked breakfast and started ta read the paper. Being that today is ANZAC Day they had the times for the dawn services which we had missed by some 6-7 hours but as I read it I started ta giggle.
As Shaz so often does she had ta know what I found so humorous. As usual she also regrets asking.
I proceeded ta read out the service times to her, BUT, I added my own version of later times.
Something along the lines of …..
Dawn service at Tamiki at 5.55 am followed by mass at la la la.
For those lazy bastards that couldn’t be bothered getting their fat arses outta bed there will be a 3pm service so ya have NO excuses for not turning up!

It’s just the way my mind works……

Whitesnakes do it better …………. When we shall remember them!

1 comment:

Keshi said...




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