Saturday, November 22, 2008

The future

I have no idea why, but this festive season just ain’t doing it for me!
My workcover thingy should be finalised this week. (YEAH RIGHT!)
The house is being emptied out in readiness for the big move, the annual family get together will be held here and most of the family have already agreed ta come over. Work is steady and as ya’ll know, I love my job.

Yet something is missing.
No idea what. This year seems like a drag, Christmas a bore!
Maybe it is old age catching up or the stresses and strains of moving. Trying to organise everything and not knowing how things will pan out. Maybe having ta say goodbye to family and friends is taking its toll.

Who knows and who really cares, it can only get better aye?

Whitesnakes do it better ……. When ya play that funky music Whitesnake


Marja said...

People always have to adapt to change. That's normal In every change their is some bad and some good. You choose something because the good side will be bigger.
I love this christmas because than my favourite brother will be here.
Usually I don't like it that much either

Romeo Morningwood said...

Need I remind you that Christmas is all about the suspension of disbelief...and that certainly doesn't get any easier with age.

What harmlessly started out as Roman Emperor Constantine's effort to replace Mithra's birthday celebration on Dec 25th has turned into some materialistic hodgepodgery of assorted rituals and traditions from all over that now basically entails giving gifts that we can't afford to vast numbers of people who don't deserve them.

You remember the Babylonian Sun God Mithra? Some guy whose Mother was a virgin and was visited at birth by wise men? Doesn't ring a bell?
This Mithra character travelled with a group of 12 followers forgiving sins and performing miracles and apparently and came back from the dead after three days..

anyway Constantine ixnayed his irthday-bay and made Sol Invictus Jesuszuz birthday and the rest is treated as history!

It is depressing.


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