Saturday, December 1, 2018

Auckland wasting more Ratepayers money

Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) continually show us how incompetent they are when it comes to distribution of funding and we are talking rate payers money..

ATEED has cut funding to the Christmas parade however has given $45,000 of ratepayer’s money to the Pride Parade and also assists funding the Diwali Festival.

In New Zealand, according to the 2018 census 48% of people stated they were Christian, 42% were not religious 6% were other religions and 4% had no clue.
Of the 6% of other religions 2.6% were Hindi.

As the 2018 census didn’t include any questions regarding sexual preference nor sexual orientation it is difficult to know what percentage there is in the LGBTIQ+ community. According to New Zealand Attitudes and Values study 2016 94.2% of people claimed to be heterosexual/straight 2.6% Gay/ Lesbian 1.8% Bisexual .6% Bi-Curious .5% Pansexual and .3% Asexual.

To cut funding for a Christmas parade that 48% of the population celebrates yet give funding of rate payers money to organisations that serve 5.8% and a 2.6% of the population is political correctness gone mad.

It is blatantly obvious that the ATEED is giving ratepayers money to appease minority groups at the expense of the majority.

We all love festivals and it is great to see and hear people enjoying the differences we all have however when the ATEED and the Auckland Council start deciding which festivals are worth celebrating the city is entering dangerous territory.

You want to use my rates for festivals then ask me which ones!
Oh and I thought our infrastructure required attention.

Steve Boddey

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