Sunday, December 12, 2010

Whitesnake:s Keep it up

I have finally done my last shift and had an almost perfect night with the exception of  2 female shoplifters with mouths and attitude that a good old fashion beating  with soap in the mouth and a few clean crisp whacks to the head wouldn't fix. Believe me, there is nothing in there heads that would be damaged. These people seem to think that it is their god given right to come along and take whatever they like and not have to pay for it. When held accountable, they are all up in arms about being unfairly treated and of course if ya a white fella ya a racist!
As the last hour of my shift approached the phone rang. The Garrison Public House called to say a woman was abusing staff as they were cleaning up the outside area. The woman was the same woman seen on footage doing damage to property. Police called and the woman was taken away. Unfortunately over here  the offender has more rights than the victim, so no charges will come of the property damage. Never mind the details it's a long story. Suffice to say that there is no such thing as racism against white people only people of a different colour skin. EG: call someone a black bastard and you are racist, call someone a white bastard and that is OK! Wonder how it works where you are?

Anyways,  the love of my life  KB promptly arrive at 5am to whisk me away to a warm bed and lots of kisses, cuddles and sleep.

I really have not had much time to write or update which I find a tad frustrating, hence these keeping up with me posts that my darling KB started doing and I cottoned on too.
Seems the two of us actually do take on each others ways and wants. A healthier me that Karen has started certianly didn't appeal to me yet there have been many a time when Karen will be munching on chocolate and I will be having a salad sandwich.
KB use to sleep in till lunch time but now she is up at least 3 hrs earlier and me, yes I who would be up at the crack of  dawn, am now quite happy to stay in bed till at least 9 am and have even been know to sleep till 11am.
Things I wouldn't normally do or things I refused to do in the past I do now simply because KB makes it fun. Even the mundane chores have become easy and a lot less painful to do because together we ensure that they are fun and not boring anymore.
What is the world coming to?

So let us do the rounds for this week.
Keeping up with KB and a healthier me are coming along well. Coco has her views on inner peace. Kat's pork burgers were tried and proved to be a hit. Missy's soup also went down a treat although the after burners were pretty full on in the morning! That soup should come with a warning!
Then there is also Weekend Walkabout opposed to Wednesday........lmao
Pub's n Grub has started and hopefully will give visitors a chance to see something KB and I share. It will not only be just pubs it will be anywhere we stop to sup a beer, wine or coffee. Might even contain a few places where ya can pick up a good feed with little cost! Here is my review of the Garrison Public House!

Well me little lovelies, enjoy ya weekend and I'll catch next time.
New job starts Monday!

Whitesnakes do it better ................... when ya healthy, wealthy and err wise?

1 comment:

Jingle said...

good luck on everything..


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