Friday, May 1, 2009

Infuential People

OK peeps, I have just been through “Times” magazines 100 most influential people.

What a crock of shit!
I have to confess I wonder who comes up with this dribble!
Here I offer you MY six yes just SIX most influential peeps!
NOT! I repeat NOT in any particular order as they each have their values and each have a unique way of influencing people.

Keith Hillman
A mountain of talent and has a knack for the most picturesque photos. His words and his vocabulary are to be treasured and enjoyed. I have had the pleasure of speaking with this somewhat man of the world and found him to be accommodating, loving, kind and caring. Throw in understanding and knowledgeable and ya have a great mix.

An arrogant son of a bitch with an attitude ta match. Takes no crap and will tell ya how it is. He has a heart of gold that few will ever get ta see and to use his own words he is a native Indian and says that freedom is a delicate flower that is difficult to cultivate and so very easy to destroy. That, in itself speaks volumes about the man.

An Indian woman with attitude. A poet and story writer. An avid reader and a fanatic when it comes ta protecting kids and women’s rights. Boorish and a yet so gentle and kind hearted in everyway shape and form. A lover of music and a mistress to the lexicon.

Donn Coppens
An intellectual delight! A master of words and photo shop. He has a delightful way of getting his message across and there are no boundaries that he won’t cross. How refreshing is that? Nothing he talks about is taboo and he ain’t afraid ta tell it like it is and give an in depth explanation that only a rocket scientist could understand.

James (007) Shott
A political obsessed individual. Full of knowledge and political etiquette. A master of putting together a simple and easy to read piece of news. You may not always agree with his views but unlike fox news. The man is fair and sometimes balanced. He also does a great journal when he gets a bit of a holiday. A lover of fine wine and food as well as having a great taste in a woman. His beautiful wife Diane.

A deep thinker, a carer, a lover of all things good and of course a great cup of coffee.
Keshi comes across as an attention seeker however when ya go back and read here stuff, read her responses she is one of the few that will respond to every single comment she receives. Her posts are always thought provoking and well thought out which shows through.

So there is MY top six most influential people.
There is neither Obama nor his wife. There is no Gordon Brown. You won’t find Nadal or Jolie on my list. There is no Tom Hanks nor will ya find Anita Goforadump.

These are the people that influence me and they are the best people in the world but the best bit is ya won’t find em in Times list.

Whitesnakes do it better …………. When ya know the most influential people in the world.


Granny Smith said...

I guess we could each make our own list. I certainly agree with you about Keith Hillman, although I've never had the pleasure of meeting him.

Romeo Morningwood said...

I'm scared of Gautami, but whatever you do, don't tell her!

You are very generous and I am humbled by your estimation of my grasp on reality..truth be told..I don't have a clue as to why Humans are STILL so scared about facing reality?

Thank goodness that there are warm hearted souls like you who search for harmony, humour, and hubris.
Y'er awesome Mr Snake.

Tumblewords: said...

Excellent list! Excellent.

Patois42 said...

What a fabulous list you've put together. Bravo!

danni said...

interesting and certainly candid!!!

keith said...

I hesitate to congratulate you on this fantastic list as I am included in it! I feel humbled indeed. I have to confess I feel the same about Gautami as Donn does! She has an incredible talent and I am in awe of her writing, but I do tread carefully in her company!

paisley said...

and a fine listing it is.. i agree with every pick... why are all of you guys afraid of guatami??? she is a sweetheart....

Keshi said...

OMG I feel so honored. TY Steve! :)

Luv ya and ofcourse ur one of those rare 'influential' ppl too...I admire ur honesty and ur great comments always.


Keshi said...

Donn is that n more. I love the guy!



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