Wednesday, December 10, 2008


There is something special about being able to be free from life’s trials and tribulations. I guess that is why ya feel sometimes that life is a struggle and other times ya feel life is a breeze.

Everyone who has passed my way. Whether they have been good or a total waste of space is remembered and always will be. Especially at this time of year.

Gotta ask though? Why This time of year?
Why do we as human beings only once a year be nice?

Whitesnakes do it better ………. When ya nice ALL the time


Romeo Morningwood said...

Maybe it's all that the producers of goods and services have been able to create?

Life is a competition and it is against our very nature to be cooperative and accomodating. Even with these new fancy schmancy brains we can't outrun the primordial urges hardwired into us during our venture out onto the African Savannah.

Now, theoretically we should be able to be nice to each other 24/7 365 but the media wants us to believe that we live in a more dangerous environment than we did millions of years ago. Why? So that we spend like there is no tomorrow.

You and I both know that there are actually millions of us who believe in being nice to others every single day of the year. The entire charade of artifice being played out every December is ludicrous but essential.

We always overestimate the ability of the average person to stop being such selfish twats and they need a reason for the's's not a sign of weakness to show compassion it's a sign of strength...geddit?

Keshi said...

I so agree Steve...why just once a year. So annoying!



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