Saturday, April 6, 2019

My Candle

My candle burns at both ends,
Hell I must be good,
My candle burns in mid-air,
Not on steel nor any wood.
Light that flickers with the breeze,
A mesmerizing sight,
Draws ones eye to the middle,
A flame that's left and right.
As my candle burns both ends,
The fires join as one, 
As quickly as the wax dispersed,
What was had also gone.

Author Steve Boddey

For Poetry Pantry Imaginary Gardens


KB said...

A candle in the wind? xxxx

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Bravo! Successfully rivalling Edna St Vincent Millay – no mean feat.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I am smiling at KB's comment. Lol.

Sanaa Rizvi said...


Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

My candle burns at both ends and in the middle too. One of these days my candle will probably explode and leave burning wax bits all over the place.
Nine to five sucks. It's an arbitrary construct and one that has done more harm than good, I think.


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