Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Feel Good

It doesn't get better than KB
Fridays have now gone from fry up to feel good!
Every friday I am or we will, point out a feel good moment preparing us for a weekend spent with KB Whitesnake and Coco.
Of course there is no better place to start than with the love of my life  and that dog of eternal stench.

At the end of the day when I walk out of work there is always a little red car and a Krazy Blonde sitting waiting for me.
Happy little Coco
When we arrive home sitting by the glass sliding door is a little black cocker spaniel who is so very happy to see me.
So ....the first Friday feel good belongs to my darling KB and Coco.

Now that is a feel good!

Whitesnakes do it better ... When ya James Brown.
Now add your feel good!


KB said...

Love it and you xxxx

NCSue said...

Thank you for hosting. I'm a new follower, sent your way by your lady friend.
I have a page on my site that lists more than 300 hops, memes, and photo challenges… some for each day of the week. Yours is listed there, too! Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also started a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, memes, and photo challenges. Go to to visit & participate.


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