Monday, October 11, 2010

Whitesnake Unleashed Part 3

Let us face it NZ is the most politically correct place on earth and if it isn't it is damn close.
You can't even fart without upsetting someone.
The race card is used at every opportunity and is widely accepted north and south.
Helen Clark has a lot to answer for and so do all the zoophycos that encouraged her to continue to tear this country apart with all sorts of rules and laws that ultimately have nothing to do with looking after people but to piss them off.

Take the Maoris, supposedly the original land owners of NZ. Wrong they stole the land from the Moriori some relation of theirs who they didn't like, so much for tradition, boils down to theft and murder. Or to be blunt nearly wiped out simple cos they wanted the land. Well the truth is they ate them.

So the Maori tradition continues today, all over NZ. and at nearly every Warehouse . Well at least one part of that tradition.

Over a year ago I nearly suffered a fracture skull and my manger lost a tooth after we tried to escort  a male on drugs out of the shopping mall. To this day the offender still has not done any time.
He has however, stolen a car, driven without a license, been caught in possession of drugs failed to turn up to court and missed some rehab classes and these were committed after the offence..
Me...... I.lost two days pay and every couple of months get an update on what the ass wipe is doing, drug, alcohol and anger management this information is supplied to me by a Victims Support person who seems quite excited about how the rehab is coming along.

So there ya have a wee glimpse into the Backyard.
It's not all doom and gloom by any means and for me the problems here pale to  into insignificance compared to other countries.

Whitesnakes do it better ..........Of that there is no doubt!


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

lovely backyard.

Romeo Morningwood said...

I'm afraid this happens all over the Colonies and there is no end in sight..until we start focussing on our similarities instead of things that separate us.

Every country was taken from somebody else, that's why we should get rid of the idea of countries and start thinking of ourselves as Earthlings.

Stop laughing, it could happen, especially after a nuclear holocaust!

George S Batty said...

same old are so worried about the rights of those that prey on us we forget about the rights of the victims.
I am surprised. I have always thought of NZ as a kick ass place where libral assholes would fear to tread. No beer in the fridge ...yet...but I know the beer truck has a long way to go from your place to mine.

Amity said...

very nice !


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